A few months ago I was asked to shoot stills alongside a TVC production for Aussie Bodies. I shot portraits of several famous Aussie athletes and an everyday yoga mom in action for the Australian protein and supplements brand Aussie Bodies for use in print and online. Each story was a pretty inspiring one: Sally Fitzgibbons is a world champion professional surfer and started winning titles when she was 14 after just a few years of surfing. Kelly Cartwright lost her leg to cancer when she was 15 and has since climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro and won gold and silver medals at the 2012 London Paralympics. Lewis Jetta was part of the Sydney Swan's 2012 AFL Premiership title known for several of his last-second game saving goals. Marcus Bottay is a Guinness Book of World Records holder for the rope climb and is sort of the king of those guys who work out in the fitness yard on Bondi Beach. He's also a big believer in freeing people from gym and healthclub memberships and teaching them that opportunities to get fit, be healthy and have fun are everywhere. It was one of those jobs where I felt lucky to get to meet a bunch of pretty inspiring people.

Sally Fitzgibbons for Aussie Bodies

Sally Fitzgibbons for Aussie Bodies

Sally Fitzgibbons for Aussie Bodies

Marcus Bottay for Aussie Bodies

Marcus Bottay for Aussie Bodies

Marcus Bottay for Aussie Bodies

Lewis Jetta for Aussie Bodies

Lewis Jetta for Aussie Bodies

Lewis Jetta for Aussie Bodies

Kelly Cartwright for Aussie Bodies